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USA – Antigua Rally: A Smother Ride – Day 2 (Friday)

Writer's picture: Two DriftersTwo Drifters

In the last 24 hours – 157 miles covered

After 24 hours of the boat lurching and kangaroo jumping in the Gulf Stream, we finally found smoother water. From today’s forecast we are expecting to motor sail most of the way to Bermuda where we’ll re-fuel. There’s the chance of some wind tomorrow, so we’ll need to make the most of that if it happens.

In the return of Skipper Says, our fun way to pass the time while at sea, our current task is to write a novel. It’s a group effort but there are certain rules: – You can only write four words per line – no more and no less – Someone else has to write before or after you – There has to be a story

Chapter 1 of ‘Something Silly About Mary’ started with: Nev: “Mary had a little… Ferg: “Problem with her shrink… Al: “She often did when… Nev: “He wore a pink…”

While we are continuing this story on board, we invite our sofa sailors to get involved and write the next line or two! Chapter 2 is already underway and it’s getting rather interesting for Mary and her shrink, Rico!

In other news, Deckhand Al and Skipper continued hitting on fish. Some fish were quite slippery and managed to slip off the line, but by mid-afternoon just before a VHF meeting with our nearby Salty Dawg sailing pals, both lines went at the same time with mahi mahi attached. One we lost, but the other was reeled in and will make a lovely lunch tomorrow.

It was a stunning evening with a big moon rising as the sun set. We’re working up to a full moon on Saturday and the sky is so bright under the moonlight; the sea was flat calm and a good night’s sleep was had by all…especially Molly whose snores were emanating out of the cabin hatch and could be heard up on the Bridge!

© Two Drifters Travel

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